I want to be made out of plastic, I want to be made out of neon plastic and speak through a bitcrushed speaker implanted into my fake plastic neck. I want to be doused in lead paint and fed liquid plastic, I want to be made out of plastic that can turn into any shape I please, I want to give myself huge plastic titties. I want to give myself a huge plastic dick and huge plastic titties and be an eye straining, no, blindingly bright and colorful array of neon green, cyan, yellow, and magenta. I simply do not care anymore, this is the life MK Ultra and my social programming has decided for me. This is not a joke, this is really what I desire, I want to smell like industrial chemicals and be toxic to the touch of all biological life. I want my breath to feminize the frogs in the local ponds. Hypersynthetic cybernetic plastic body, I consume all life around me and consume it into my plastic being. Bend break, snap, pop, melt, shit, fuck, form, birth.

I am a psychotic victim of social programming and I'm a sick sick individual. Nothing can save me at this point, I am destined to be bright semi-transparent glittery plastic. I'm sorry I have to leave you behind my friends and family, but this is my destiny. I have been chosen by the universe to be the first fully plastic life-form. The future is not AI, the future is an infinite sea of plastic creations with a background music of garbled bratty electronic music as all life that we knew is snuffed out by the new Earth. The Earth of plastic.

The completely fluid persona, superfluid personality with no viscocity. Nothing tying it down, nothing limiting its movement, the slightest nudge changing its entire form at an increasingly rapid pace. This is the future of capital and the commoditization of ideology, personality, and so on. We become increasingly changing, less and less anchored to what we define as our true beliefs, interests, and persona. Why have only one persona, when you can have so many with such variety? To be clear, this isn't a question of multiple personalities, just different midsets and interests and so on that one can be fully engulfed and immersed in. The rapidly increasing pace of change is bound to create the vastly multi-persona person. We never really only had one persona, we act differently with other people, and differently around different kinds of people. It's a question of the contrast of the difference between these interactions that defines these mindsets as being part of one or of multiple personas and mindsets. The increasingly personalized entertainment and information feeds from social media, and eventually AR, will only increase the diversity of the collections of these types of personas, and make it easier to flow between these groups as we get used to the diversity of personas on the internet. Why have genuine beliefs when they mean nothing and do nothing to your outside world? There is none, it is already practically a recreational process for most people who partake in politics, most of them just won't admit it to themselves let alone others.

digital annihilation no memories thousand filters compression artifacts bitcrusher infinite noise bass buzzing repeat repeat rerererererepeat schizophrenia do not care no care fluid entity no past no future gone baseless capital node network flow hyperfetishization plastic 3d animation industrial chemicals no nature or reality hyperartificiality neopersona fluidvoid divine hyperhedonism

The only knowledge I need is the pure intuition cooked up in my mind. I've never read a book, indeed, I've never even read a single word. Everything that comes out of my mouth and everything I type out is made on pure intuition and feeling, I have have no logical thoughts whatsoever in my mind. Language is a limiting, linear processing system, that is unfortunately one of the only ways of effectively communicating ideas between people. There is also images, but those too are limited to two to three spatial dimensions (generally speaking) and one temporal dimensions. Pure intuition is a vastly multidimensional process not limited to linear time or space. an impossible to reduce waveform. To attempt to convert them to spatial or verbal form is inherently a compression of data, the only way to truly transmit information is through direct brain-to-brain, neuron-to-neuron contact.

I want to fondle your neurons with mine. I want to mind control you through direct contact, I want to merge with you. You will become a part of me, and there will be no coming back. I will have an army of me, a hivemind. The closest thing I can do to this with current technology however is make a twitter account, and langauge seems to be the best way to control people's minds, so I'll continue doing this. I'm controlling you right now, in one form or another, making my way through your brain through my cantations and editing your worldview with just a few paragraphs. I'm editing your universe right now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

People are all too closed-minded nowadays. I myself am very open-minded but only in the right ways. You see, there are ways of being closed-minded that are very reasonable and I'm closed-minded in all the ways that are reasonable, and open-minded in every other sense. More open-minded than just about everyone else on this accursed Earth. But I don't like bitches, and I don't like stupid cunts, or anybody who tells me what to do in a way I think is wrong. I also don't like normal people, about 90% of the populations and so on, but I'm very open minded when it comes to ideas. You just need to get to know me and you'll see I'm actually a quite reasonable person once I get to know you, and explain to you in a way personalized to you as to why my way of thinking is actually correct and yours is wrong. If yours was correct though, I'd be totally open to changing my mind, but you're not correct. Don't even go about trying to explain it, I can already tell, you're wrong.

Now, this may seem like a funny juxtaposition of beliefs, an absurd verbalization of my own internal thoughts in a way that distances myself from the reader, but that simply isn't true. I actually am open minded, and you should be too. Just talk with me, chat with me, let's have a conversation why don't we? Why don't we have a debate on the internet of our worldviews that we've built over our lifetimes and have almost no compatible base axioms and beliefs. Yeah, let's do that. Let's talk about our subjection emotional truths and pretend we understand each other while changing nothing about our actual beliefs for more than the 30 minutes that we talk, and go right back to our old selves right afterwards. Let's do that.

In the future, everybody is going to be a youtube poop. What do I mean by this? I mean everybody goes BAA-BAA-BRR-BAAARRRAAA-ZZZZZ-BTBTBTBTBTBT. Don't believe me? Just look around you. Look at the chaos technology is creating. Complete artificiality and electronic chaos. Do you think the cutting up of entertainment of small bits is starting where we are now? Wait until everyone is permanently strapped into the dopamine loop of AR. NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE ITS ALL NOISE. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ BRRIGHT COLORS BRIGHT COLORS STIMULATION DO YOU WANT A VIRTUAL PET DO YOU WANT A VIRTUAL PET DO YOU WANT VIRTUAL CLOTHES HERE IS A PREMIUM AVATAR BIG TITTIES JACK OFF TO BIG VIRTUAL TITTIES NO NEED FOR REAL WOMEN NOW YOU HAVE FULL STRAP IN JACK OFF GEAR WOOHOO YEAH AUTOMATIC CLEANING WASTE STRAPPED FLESHLIGHT ZAP ZZZZZ ZZZAAAAPP


I'm a little chimp! I'm a little chimp swinging from branch to branch eating my bananas. Human bake banana bread, I say no, a banana is all I need to live. Baking and cooking the banana is an insult to nature, the sign of a real simian is eating the banana, by itself, nothing added and nothing done to it. I'm a wild chimp, I act on instinct. I climb trees and I scream, I scream loud so that everyone can hear me. I go out to the local woods and climb any suitable tree I can find and howl from the treetops are the land-walkers below me. I don't care if I get the cops called, I've done nothing illegal. I'm not on meth, I'm just in tune with my chimp instincts.

What people don't understand about the modern age is that we just aren't meant to scream and climb things anymore. It's a crime that we can't, social norms should not dictate such primal desire. Go outside and scream as loud as you can right now. Yes, I mean it, do it right now, I've done it many times. Break your voice, it doesn't matter, don't let yourself be filtered by any perceptions. Jump around too, jump around and swing your arms like a chimp and crawl around on all fours and feel the freedom you are given from this. Doesn't it feel good to be wild?

People are too afraid now to climb around in the heat and let themselves be covered in the sweat, mud and grime that accumulates from hours of physical effort spent outside. It's not a bad smell, it's the smell of nature, the smell of a day of activity. Embrace the mud and grime and sweat. It makes you human. It makes you a part of nature. Cut your hands up on the trees and toughen them up, go barefoot. Toughen your body. Become wild again. Lose your domestication and destroy the chains binding you to civilization, bite your foes and throw your feces at them. Shit and piss on their territory, mark them with your scent, dirty them with your bodily fluids to assert yourself as the alpha of the pack. Defend your territory with tooth and claw in the most literal sense and feel yourself be lost to the wild.

Ah, the pity it is to be a little man. To be the clueless dolt ponderlessly running around like a wound-up kid's toy babbling his many pre-programmed voice lines. I almost pity them, the senseless little machines. Your toymakers are laughing at you, you are a toy with no owner, no purpose but to run forever until you run out of batteries. It's funny to watch. I laugh at you, I laugh at your little plastic legs scuffling about on the floor, going back and forth from room to room not knowing what's happening. Not knowing that your batteries are wearing down and your gears are grinding to dust. I laugh as you don't understand your machinery. You silly little toy. You useless plastic object.

It's hard to comprehend what it must be like to be such a simple machine, less complex than even a fly or an ant. The closest life-form you resemble is perhaps a flea, but the moniker of life simply does not fit you. I didn't even know life was capable of creating such a simple creation without collapsing in on itself and destroying the organism in its sheer lack of complexity, like trying to build a skyscraped with no support. You truly are a wonder of nature and life.

What people have to understand about me is that I didn't get to where I am now by being a nice guy. You have to criticize people to get to the top. Sometimes you might even need to make a few subtweets. That's what it means to be a hero, you can't just play nice all the time. You have to show force, show dignity in yourself and sometimes treat others with just enough disrespect for them to earn respect for you. I'm not your average Joe. The respect that I've garnered from my wide audience is earned through a good work ethic, and taking many hours of creative writing and English classes.

I wouldn't expect everyone to understand my character writing, or my ideas, but you have to put them out there even if they upset people. I don't run my Twitter account like a PR guy, I run it like a man with a mission. A man with a mission who knows he's right, and knows he can do it. I write my essays, my notes and my tweets with pure confidence that is almost unmatched by anybody else. Maybe some day I can do lessons on this, but I don't want people to pay for something that can't achieve.

You can't simply learn to be me, Joe, you just are like me or you aren't. I was born, not made. Perhaps if I was more of a conman I'd start an online course for this, but I have more dignity than that. These free essays and notes are enough to get a glimpse into the gears of my machine for you to understand enough to start building yourself in my image. I wish you the best in your mission to gain the confidence and creativity of myself, but don't expect much, you may be disappointed when I totally eclipse you in my success.