Bro, where's my fucking Juul? I let you borrow it didn't I? Where the FUCK is my Juul, bro?? I swear to god, I know you lost yours recently and I swear man, I swear, if I ever find my Juul in your posession I'm going to beat your ass. You know I need my nictoine, you know I use it to self-medicate bro, I need it, YOU don't. I need this, I'm mentally ill bro, so you better give it to me if you don't want me to snap. I think I'm going crazy, I'm going through withdrawal im going to go psychotic. Im having an episode bro, I'll hurt you, I'll hit you and cut you if you don't give it back. Oh you don't have it, tough chance, come here, come closer bro, stand up. Get up bro, I ain't taking this shit. I ain't takin it, stand up and face me bro, face me. I don't need to deal with your kleptomaniac insane-o act you freak. You really think you're my friend? You think I care about you? Come here, come here, why are you running away-- oh, I'm sorry bro I think... fuck man I left it in the car man sorry.
I have been blessed by god to have the typing speed of around 135-165 WPM. I can maintain this speed from my stream of consciousness for an extended period of time, meaning that I'm not beholden to having to slow down my thought to a more solidly formed and thought out form. I don't think about anything I say on here, you see, it's basically a direct pipeline to my inner monologue. I don't even read through what I've said after I type it, maybe a week after I type it I'll read it again, but that's about it.
Not a single thing I've ever said in these entries is solidly thought out, it's just what I'm thinking at the time, and really that's the case for most philosophy books despite what philosophers might say about what they say. It's all a game, its tricks, its psychic warfare. I am on the same level as all great philosophers, not because I'm a genius (which I am) but because philosophers are dunces and morons that just know how to convince people with their fancy over-complicated form of talking.
The rate at which I post is basically directly correlated to my mental state, if I'm going to be able to find the rate of my emotional state's cycle simply by looking at the frequency of my journal and twitter posts. I wouldn't say I'm bipolar but I have times where my body is literally buzzing with dopamine and I'll casually threaten law enforcement, so take that as you will. Point is, if you have swings like this, it's best to take the momentum from the upwings to push you through the downswings. If you're productive and creative during your upswing, it'll be good for carrying you through the downswings, it's that simple.
This applies to more things than just creative work, it applies to things like exercise, keeping your room clean, and so on. Of course, you can be so manic you're practically psychotic in thinking you're invincible, and you need to control that because it's counter-productive and will make you feel worse in the long term. Regardless, one should more fully utilize the good parts in the context of doing things to get you through the bad parts.
I need to get a harem of femboys. I will have them all cuddling in my bed making squeaking animal noises, I do not give a damn. This is my primal animal instant desire and nothing will stop me. I will kill thousands to achieve this goal, I will destroy anyone in my way for my harem. I have a this process charted, axiomatized, to get the maximum amount of physically and mentally attrative femboys to get into my harem and into my house. I won't share it due to its sheer power. You see, I don't want competition, this will be a hundreds-large polycule.
It'll practically be a commune of autistic femboys, and I know exactly how to rule over my great city. I'm the king of femboys. I am a great ruler, a great mind, I know what I'm doing here, you just don't think I'm serious because you couldn't possibly comprehend the power and abilities needed to achieve such a task. None of this is "ironic" or "satire," I don't play that game. I play the long game, I play the game where I'm a ruler of a commune of femboys at my whim, practically mentally enslaved to my will. Farming, electrical grid, all utilities at done by them for me due to my charismatic aura.
Maybe if you want to join, I'll let you, I'm taking applications on my twitter page and if I think you're cute, you're in.
You'd be surprised how much sense you can make to others if you just have the confidence to say what's on your mind, and verbalize and just half-solidify the thoughts in your head. You don't need to "know how to write," you don't read a bunch of books, and so on. Confidence and a flow state are the most important thing for any creative thing, not just writing. Maybe some of the things you make will be dogshit, but people won't really care, if you make enough things and practice enough you'll get better, regardless. You can do lots of things to get this confidence and flow state, you can help it with (preferably non-recreational) drugs and supplements, you can exercise, you can even just dip your toes in the water a bit to get used to the feeling by releasing one or two things.
Everyone lives in their own world, and it doesn't matter what the hell they think of what you make, just that you release it and it'll stick to the people who like it, and you'll keep those people around you. You're not in the slightest beholden to anyone's thoughts of you just because they think it. I've said plenty of stupid things on here and other places, it's just what it means to be human.
The importance of a good diet, or even simply taking vitamins, especially B vitamin complexes, can't be understated if you have a tendency towards mental health issues. In my personal experience, when some of my psychotic symptoms were at their worse it's frequently been due to what seems to be either a vitamin B3 or B12 defficiency (need to get the individual supplements to test this). These sorts of factors, along with not applying factors like a lack of going outdoors and getting at least some moderate exercise (even walking is enough) are often not taken into account by many psychiatrists.
The easiest and most likely solutions to problems are generally the easiest ones, and learning about nutrition and pharmacology is an important thing to learn to take care of yourself. I won't give reccomendations for sepcific products or brands, but once you learn the fundamentals of pharmacology you'll find a lot of non-prescription supplements and substances that are perfectly legal. For instance, you can get food-grade lithium salt supplements on amazon for anxiety or a tendency towards bipolar disorder, especially helpful for depressive states and suicidal thoughts. People need to realize they can learn and do more than they think, you don't need some degree from an expensive college to understand this.
A big part of learning these things is learning what there is that can't be known or learned, as a gauge for your understanding. I recommend anyone to take control of their physiology and what they put into their body, and have a fuller understanding of it for their own well-being.
What's defined as a single entity or object is really just a function of the bandwidth and complexity of its interactions with its surroundings, and how exactly it affects its surroundings, as well as how beholden it is to the objects around it. For instance, an cell maintains homeostasis from its surroundings and builds specific proteins for interaction with its surroundings, in the case of a single celled organism its beholden to other individual cells and multi-cellular organisms around it, but its less 'a part' of its surrounding environment than a cell in the human body. It's not directly regulated (generally speaking) by things like gene expression, hormones, electrical impulses from a central nervous system, and so on.
In a similar sense, one can expand this view to a human and geopolitical scale. You're very directly affected by federal and local laws, especially if you live somwhere like a major city in China where you'll essentially instantly get negative feedback in the form of a fine, or public shaming from something as simple as jaywalking. There's a much higher bandwidth, a far slower delay, and a greater form of control upon the individual people in the case of mass surveilance with instant negative feedback, not unlike the feedback cells get from a central nervous system get in humans.
They're instantly at the whim of the greater power of the state and law, whereas previously you could get away with many harmless (and harmful) things, that the state was unable to detect due to less developed 'sensory' tools. Fighting against the collective organism you're a part of is not unlike a tumor taking the resources of the body by re-routing blood vessels for its own nutrients, and if it gets too large the organism (the state) dies, or in this case can possibly simply take a different form where the individual cells remain alive. How beholden to the organism do you want to be? Do you want to be closer to and individual cell in a primordial pool, or do you want to be jacked into the central nervous system of your organism?